Tokai University, Shonan Campus
The Interface of Chalcogen Chemistry and Biology
Institute of Advanced Biosciences (IAB)
June 30-July 1, 2023, Hiratsuka, Japan
We are happy to announce the Mini-Symposium of Interface of Chalcogen Chemistry and Biology, which will be held on June 30-July 1, 2023 at Tokai University Shonan Campus, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan. Shonan Campus is located about 60 km from Tokyo to the southwest. Hotels are located near the train stations. Rooms are also available in International Guest House of Tokai University at the request. Details of accommodations are available in this web page. To register the symposium, click "Registration" or send an e-mail to the organizing committee before May 10th 2023 with the preference of an oral or poster presentation or just attendance. Registration fee is free. This symposium is scheduled as a satellite meeting of Se2023 (The 9th International Selenium Conference, focused on Selenium in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine) June 26-29th 2023, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.
Click to see more details.
Tentative Schedule:
June 30 (Friday) Registration at the symposium venue (15:00-18:00).
Welcome event (18:30-).
July 1 (Saturday) Main program, Oral and Poster presentations (9:00-17:00)
Subjects: Applications of S-, Se-, Te-containing chalcogen compounds to Biology.
July 2 (Sunday) Excursion to Hakone or Kamakura (Option)